It is interesting, how the world changes so quickly with the development of new gadgets. This time it is because of iPhone or iPad.
These days, the BBC is busy in developing app for iPhone to enable its journalists to directly upload audio, video or images to BBC servers using an iPad or an iPhone. With the development of this app, reporters can directly send whatever they want to their servers without wasting any time. They can send the required stuff over 3G. BBC staff force would be equipped with this app in about a month from now.
According to Martin Turner, head of operations for newsgathering, BBC is able to keep the development cost low by building the app on top of Luci’s existing software which is used for broadcasting and recording content related to multimedia on the iPhone. Once this is set up, it would give journalists the power to live set up, on-location broadcasts without the need of any codex equipment or satellite.
Many large broadcast networks in the U.S. and Europe have already set up iPhone apps that enable citizen journalists to first of all record and then to submit multimedia content. These broadcast companies include giants such as CBS and CNN. It was the much anticipated and obvious move by BBC.
Such apps provide great help to news companies with the power to set up for “on the spot interviews”. These also empower them to do on-air broadcasts. In our knowledge, this is a good move by BBC as any reporter is more likely to have an iPhone in their pocket than a load full of broadcasting equipment at any given point of time.
This kind of apps and development are the main cause of changing the way work is done across organizations and industry.