Category: Web

Airtime – A Live Platform

The notable American entrepreneur Sean Parker and co-founder of the popular file sharing company Napster has teamed up with his Napster co-founder Shawn Fanning to create a new website named –‘’ What Is Airtime? To get into the realtime chat…

IPv6 – Officially Launched

There is new beginning in the history of internet with the introduction of IPv6. The IPv6 world launch day was celebrated on June 6, 2012, the world over. It was celebrated by top ISPs, websites and hardware manufacturers. Internet is…

Top 5 Pure E-commerce Websites In India

During the past few days, there has been massive growth in the number of e-commerce websites in India. With jabong being the latest entrant and letsbuy getting acquired by flipkart the war for the top place has only begun. The…

Why You Should Do Online Trasactions

The so far development of the present scenario with all the advancements and technologies has evolved in to the online purchase and sales. This is so because it not only provides convenience of payments and receipts but prohibits loss of…