Google has just launched a tool that would help you in online reputation management. The new tool from Google is called “Me on the Web”.
With the new tool you can manage search results for your name. The new tool is included in between account information and analytics on the Google dashboard. This tool has not been intended to be kept under privacy setting.
According to Google, “Your online identity is determined not only by what you post, but also by what others post about you — whether a mention in a blog post, a photo tag or a reply to a public status update.”
The new dashboard encourages each and every user for setting up search alerts for data present in user’s Google profile – including name, e-mail address etc. It was also previously possible to set up these kinds of alerts, but now the difference is that, that it takes less time to set up as it takes very few clicks.
The new Reputation Tool by Google also includes links to resources that help user understand the importance of managing online identity and removing unwanted content.
In recent times, online reputation has gained much importance and in these times, it was just very intelligent move by Google to introduce such a tool and give its users all what they want.
What do you think about the Online Management Tool from Google?