Market Share of Mobile Operating Systems

With the introduction of smartphones, there has been constant rise in the mobile operating systems as well. Over the years, there has been constant decline in the non-smart phones.

Market share of Mobile Operating System Over The Years

Market Share of Mobile Operating Systems

Here is a chart that shows the rise of various platforms over the years in the mobile market. The line on the y-axis shows the total mobile market while the x-axis represents the time in years. The maximum value of y-axis can be 1 and cannot exceed one as 1 would represent the entire mobile market throughout the world. We see that there has been rapid rise in the Android platform (shown in blue color) after the year 2009. While there has been steep rise in iOS (shown in red) from 2011.

If we observe closely, we will see that even today, the largest share of mobiles in the whole of mobile market is that of non-smart phones. Smatphone market is on the rise but you certainly cannot ignore the non-smart phones in the market.

So all the marketers, if you really want to sell something to the large market, deliver something for the non-smartphones. It has the largest market share and holds the maximum number of people under its reign.

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