Apple White iPhone 4 Is Thicker Than Apple Black iPhone 4

While most of us may think that there is only the difference of color between the white and black iPhone 4. In reality, the white iPhone 4 is slightly thicker than it’s black version.

Apple White iPhone 4 comparision of thickness with black iPhone 4

The price, fuctionaity and features for both the iPhones are the same. The difference in thickness between the two devices is very slight, but the difference is enough that the white iPhone 4 wouldn’t fit in incase slider case.

This report was initially got through a McRumors reader. The following are the things which was said by him.

Just picked up the white iPhone 4 and realized it doesn’t fit into my Incase slider case. It appears that Apple has increased the size of the plastic that borders the glass on both sides by about 1mm.

Apple White iPhone 4 comparision of thickness with black iPhone 4 white is thicker than black

The figures given above also compares the thickness between the white iPhone 4 and the black iPhone 4. We can clearly see that the white iPhone 4 is slightly thicker than the black version. This slight difference was enough to affect the tight fitting slider cases.

Tipq tried to measeure and found that the thickness was 0.2mm more than that of black version. Who knows that Apple deliberately in order to show superior products which are smaller and thinner launched the black version of iPhone 4 than the white version because of this very same reason. What do you think?

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