Microsoft Windows 8 Operating System – Uncovered

Microsoft has unveiled covers off its brand new Windows 8 Operating System

Microsoft Windows 8 Operating System screen shot designed for touchscreen devices including tablets laptop desktop PCs greatest OS by Microsoft ever


Microsoft recently uncovered what is in store for Windows 8. The popular Operating System which is to be released in 2012 is much talked about subject matter now a days.

The new Windows 8 will work on ARM designed low power processors. It has been designed to run on all of the machines including tablet computers, laptop PCs and desktop. It was the first time that Windows would be able to run on low power processors.

There was a lot of pressure on Microsoft to compete with Operating Systems of other big companies like Apple iOS and Google Android platform.

Microsoft unveiled all this in California at the Windows 8 Build developers’ conference. Steven Sinofsky, President of Windows division said that – “We re-imagined Windows. From the chipset to the user experience.”

Windows 8 would be able to function through any one of the two interfaces – the traditional desktop and the Metro. The traditional desktop is similar to the previous editions of Windows and the one which we all are used to now. The Metro is for the tablet version of the operating system.

The Metro is very useful in the touchscreen mode. It features chunky and larger controls which is suited for tablets. The lack of input method like these was the main reason for the failure of Windows 7 tablets.

It was said in the conference that Microsoft would soon be launching its own marketplace where it would sell all the downloadable applications. The Microsoft marketplace would be called as “ the Windows Store”.

The biggest advantage and innovation for Windows 8 is its in-built compatibility with the processors which are designed by ARM holdings. These chips use very little power and this is the reason why these chips are widely used in smartphones and tablets all over the world.

There is also a growing competition that Microsoft has to face from mobile device sector since there are many companies doing exceptionally well in this sector. Intel recently launched Oak Trail Chipset which focuses mainly on tablets and smartphones.

Let us see what more is in store from Windows 8 and Microsoft. We all are eagerly waiting to try our hands on the brand new Windows 8.

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