Race For The Smartest Smartphone OS

Apple iPhone has a habit of staying in the news. This time it’s the iPhone OS.

Not too long ago in June 2010 BlackBerry was the market leader in smartphone OS systems. This has changed dramatically as the year ended. In a report released by AC Nielsen claims that now iPhone and Google’s Android rule the market with 28.6% and 25.6% market share respectively.

BlackBerry is now left behind Apple in terms of market share. Although market share of Android is less than BlackBerry, BlackBerry’s share has shown a downward motion and Android is going up.

The smartphone market has evolved tremendously since it was first introduced and the opportunities are attracting many big players.

The latest numbers from Nielsen show that during November, 45 percent of mobile phone customers decided to buy a smartphone over a feature phone. Nielsen has further forecasted that the smartphone market is far from saturation in the near future. On the contrary, it is expected to get bigger as Apple, Google, RIM and such other biggies look to push the limits of mobile technology.

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